Wednesday 12 December 2018

Here Is What You Need to Know About HIV/AIDS!

HIV/AIDS. This is a term which has been heard often. What is it?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS, is a lifelong condition that is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus exists in human blood, sexual fluids and breast milk. This virus attacks the human immune system, and this makes the body weak in resisting against viruses, common germs, fungi and other harmful elements.

The main cause of AIDS is unprotected sexual contact & using previously used syringes/needles.

The world celebrated World AIDS Day on 1st December 2018 with an aim to raise awareness on this disease. According to WHO, ever since this disease has been discovered, it has been responsible for around 36 million deaths worldwide.

The population at a greater risk of being infected by HIV are bisexual & gay men and people who take drugs by injecting the shared needles. Socially underprivileged communities are also at a risk of forming this infection.

HIV is caused by a virus. For HIV to spread in your body, infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions must enter your body and this can happen by following ways:

By having unprotected sex: Any vaginal, oral or anal sex done without the use of contraceptive like condom can get you infected with HIV. This virus can enter your body via small tears or mouth sores that usually develop in rectum or vagina during sexual intercourse. People having sex with multiple partners, without any protection can also be infected by it.

By blood transfer: By transfusing infected blood, one can get this virus. Though many blood banks now check the blood before transfusing.

By sharing needles: People taking drugs through needles/syringes can get this infection if they share the needles with each other. Contaminated needles put you at the risk of other infectious diseases as well.

During pregnancy, delivery or breast-feeding: Mothers, infected with HIV can transfer it to their children. If proper treatment taken at proper time, the child can be protected against it.

HIV does not spread by:

Hugging, kissing, touching or shaking hands with a HIV positive person, nor does it spread through air, water or insect bites.

Symptoms of HIV:

There are different stages of HIV and the symptoms vary accordingly.

Primary infection stage (Acute HIV): Mostly people affected by HIV get flu-like disease in a month or two of getting infected by the virus. This may last for a few weeks. The symptoms are:
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Sore throat & mouth sores
  • Rashes
  • Swelling in lymph glands, especially on neck

These symptoms might go unnoticed as they are very mild, however the amount of virus in your body is high during this time and the infection spreads easily.

Clinical latent infection (Chromic HIV): Regular swelling in lymph nodes occur during this stage for most people. There are no other evident symptoms and the virus continues to affect the white blood cells adversely. This stage of HIV continues for around 10 years in case one is not seeking antiretroviral therapy. The disease can worsen even after taking this therapy in some people or this stage might still last for many years.

Symptomatic HIV: With the prevalence of the virus in your body, your immune cells start to doze off and your immunity levels falls drastically making you prone to mild infections and chronic symptoms like:
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Swelling in lymph nodes
  • Thrush (oral yeast infection)
  • Herpes zoster

Transformation to AIDS: AIDS is that stage of HIV when your immune system is highly damaged. The average tenure of HIV turning into AIDS is 10 years. At this stage, a person is at a high risk of infections and opportunistic cancers. There will be diseases which usually do not bother a person with sound immune system. The symptoms of such infections are:
  • Night sweating
  • Frequent fever
  • Recurring diarrhea
  • Persistent white spots on the tongue or mouth
  • Skin rashes or bumps

As of now, there is no drug or vaccine invented that can cure HIV, though the research is going on for the same. The best way is to stay alert and take precautionary steps like having protected sex, using sterilized needles and avoid having unprotected sex with multiple partners.

Turacoz Healthcare Solutions convey that if you think that you might have been infected by the virus or are at the risk of being infected by it, contact your healthcare provider as early as possible to avoid further complications.

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