Friday 12 July 2019

Why is Outsourcing Medical Writing Services Trending Recently?

Alike other sectors, the pharma industry also relies heavily on online marketing. It involves generating a variety of documents like business brochures or pages, official blog posts, posts on social media or marketing brochures or pamphlets, etc. These firms use medical writing services to endorse new products, devices, treatments or discuss new advances made in a specific domain.

When it comes to clinical trials, the escalating number of patient expiration calls for an increased number of successful clinical trials. Medical writing is a key factor for successful clinical trials. The medical documents generated under medical writing forms an integral part of clinical research. While more diverse pharma products are surfacing, the need for medical writing has even increased as there is a huge demand for non-core activities like report writing. Majority of the pharma companies prefer outsourcing their clinical data management to competent medical writing service providers.

Contracting medical writing services has become a trend. There are various reasons why it is preferred in place of the in-house writing unit. For medium and big-scale organizations, it serves as a viable option. Though small companies can outsource medical writing services and also make things work through a qualified and well-managed in-house team of writers. Customized packs are available for them which perfectly meet their business requirements.

Medical writing involves generation of a variety of scientific documents like regulatory documents, research documents; publications like manuscript, abstracts, and journals; promotional content for drugs, devices or disease-related documents, content for healthcare magazines, websites, and educational literature.

Various documents of different convolution levels are generated at different phases of clinical advancement. The complexity level of the document increases with the phases of clinical trials.

The escalating demand for outsourcing

Medical writing has established itself as an autonomous category. There is a huge demand for professionals who are experts in certain domains and hold experience in the same. This has given rise to a crisis situation in the market. Pharma companies are struggling to hire and contain quality writers. This is a subject of major concern for most of the companies today.

Outsourcing medical writing services is a trend that has been contemplated in the pharma industry since the past two decades. Through various phases of clinical research, medical writing service providers are looked for who can work on varied documents. For this, the work begins during the initial stages with the drafting of clinical advancement plans and this goes on through each phase of trials and then the CTD (Common Technical Document) is prepared and the regulatory queries are answered.

With the increased stress on pharmacovigilance, drug and patient safety and transparency in clinical data sharing, the demand for medical writing services has sky-rocketed. The need for medical writers is now felt from the initial phases of trials and their involvement throughout the clinical research process is thought to be crucial to build quality documents.

The challenge faced by the firms here is to find skilled and quality medical writers who hold experience in various domains. They look for efficient medical writing service providers who can meet their dynamic demands.

How to get the best of resources while outsourcing medical writing services?

To get quality writers and professionals, you need to select the service providers very carefully. Choose the service providers who have a deep understanding of crucial clinical documents and can coordinate efficiently and challenge the clinical research team to put forth well-argued and clear and well-presented clinical research outcomes. The medical writing service providers should be in sync with the clinical research and advancement team.

Why outsourcing medical writing services is beneficial?

Offshore service providers are cashing on to the increasing popularity and recognition that outsourcing is enjoying. They have greater control over situations, and they are not having a tough time proving themselves. These firms can focus on the work better and devote a great time to the work they take up.

If you are still thinking why outsourcing services is a better option, have a look at the points below and you will not regret giving a chance to it:
  • Bigger firms outsourcing certain services are aware of the fact that they will not have to spend their time, resources and money in recruiting, training and retaining the writers. The medical writing service providers have skilled and experienced professionals on-board and they provide you tailor-made solutions and work as per your requirements.
  • Companies that deal with sales of medical devices aim at achieving a good rank in search engine results. They are in search of writers who can build precise and clear copies of the products helping people find a piece of information. Efficient and experienced writers can build such content for them.
  • What makes a difference is not the information being shared with the audience but the type of information, style of writing, quality and facts & data included in the post. The richer the content the more the people will be visiting. Firms providing outsourcing are well-informed of the intent and requirement of the companies and they put their experts to work with the same intent and instructions.
  • The companies are assured of getting quality documents and posts crafted by the specialists and timely delivery of projects is guaranteed.
  • There is stability and no extra cost is involved while availing extra services.
  • In a traditional set-up, where you work with your in-house team, you need to hire editors to get the draft checked and proofread. This is an additional cost as you have to pay your writers and the editors as well. The firms providing outsourcing services will send you the final copy of the document after getting it edited from professional editors. This builds quality and saves money and time.
All these factors clubbed together make outsourcing medical writing services a great deal.

Medical writers who understand the requirements of every document and are great at coordinating within the organization along with collaborating with clinical research units and other cross-functional units to deliver the study requirements and consequences in a precise fashion, make your outsourcing successful.

Effective and strong communication at frequent intervals, aligning the writers with the clinical research team and building a mutually favorable long-term relationship, is the key to success.

Turacoz Healthcare Solutions has a team of trained professionals who have the expertise in various domains and deliver quality content. The medical writing services provided by Turacoz are as per the requirements of clients and along with being cost-effective they are delivered on time without compromising with the quality.

Turacoz helps you with regulatory writing, clinical trial writing support, pharmacovigilance writing, publication writing and medic-marketing support. To know more about us and to avail our services, write to us at

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