Thursday 3 January 2019

Want to live a healthy life? These daily habits will help you fulfill your goal of being fit

Another year has ended marking the beginning of a new year. Lots of hopes and dreams are associated with the year 2019. We all are looking forward to this year and hoping it to bring us good luck and well-being. To achieve anything in life one needs to be healthy both physically and mentally. We all must have made various new year resolutions.
“I would go hit a gym. I would go for a walk/run. I would dump junk food. I would go on a diet.”
These are some of the resolutions many of us make every year but tend to forget them or fail to follow-up. Considering the hectic lifestyle, we lead today, it is quite difficult for many of us to go to a gym daily or break-up with junk food forever. So, does this make our plan of being fit, fail?
NO, certainly not. There are still a few things that you can do on daily basis to have a healthy and stress-free life. You might have read a lot about various diet-plans and workout routines that promise to make you shred those extra kilos and keep you fit. It is hardly plausible to tip-toe on these routines. Turacoz Healthcare Solutions understands that being fit is not only the need of the hour, but it is also extremely important for an individual to stay healthy. Turacoz also understands how difficult it is to follow a strict diet or workout plan for individuals living a hectic life.
So, now you do not need to break the sweat to be healthy. Here are some simple healthy habits/lifestyle changes if incorporated in one’s daily routine, would bring out great results:
  • Early to bed, early to rise: Yes, it makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This nursery rhyme is not just to sing along with the kids, but it really reveals the biggest secret to live a healthy life. Getting up early in the morning keeps you healthy, fresh and does good to your body. Sleeping till late or staying awake late till might not only hampers your physical but also mental health. Try and fix your sleep time. Don't stay awake till too late and make sure to get enough sleep so that you can get up fresh in the morning.
For all the tech-savvy people, it will cost you nothing to keep your cell phones aside an hour prior to sleeping in the night. This will ensure a sound sleep.
  • Get yourself to drink a glass of lemon & honey water: The first thing after getting up in the morning should be to mix lemon juice and honey in a glass of warm water and drink it. This helps boost your energy level and helps in weight reduction. Make sure to have it daily to see the positive results.
  • Move it, groove it: Working out on an empty stomach is good for your body. You don’t need to go to gym for that. You can do any form of exercise that you enjoy doing. Enjoying your workout is very important. You can go for cardio workouts like running, aerobics or even brisk walk. Early morning cardio on an empty stomach helps you lose weight and perk up your energy levels by preparing your body for an all-day fat burn.
  • Meditate: Your mental health is equally important. The busy life schedule has aggravated the mental issues like stress. Stress has now become a part of majority of people’s lives. Stress not only hampers your mental peace but also has adverse effects on your body. To stay stress-free and achieve mental and inner peace in your life, spare 10-15 minutes in morning to practice meditation. Do yoga and perform activities like pranayama, stretching, etc. and relax. Choose a peaceful place for this so that your senses can be calm, and you can enjoy.
  • Give your taste buds some healthy fuel: Skipping breakfast can be very hazardous to your health. Make sure you eat the right breakfast. You can have oatmeal, quinoa, boiled eggs, fruit salad, milk, etc. For your breakfast. They go perfectly with your busy schedule and keep you energized for the day without adding much calories and giving your body what it requires.
  • Don't sit for too long at your workplace: We are trapped in our 9-5 desk jobs and this is taking a huge toll on our health. The constant and excessive screen time and sitting hours are giving birth to various health issues. While this cannot be avoided, try to include some simple activities like stretching, walking for a while, simple exercises for eyes, etc. The main motive is to take a break from the screen and sitting.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water is termed as the miraculous drink as it works wonders for your body. Make sure to drink 2-3 liters of water every day. Water keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins from your body and helps keeping your skin glowing.
  • Reduce the intake of junk food: It would be a mere fantasy to live without your favorite pizza or hamburger even while knowing what it does to your body. While there are some blessed people who won’t get fat while eating everything available on the planet, most of us struggle hard to maintain a healthy weight. The entire game is of metabolism though. Completely ditching junk is something which is recommended by almost everyone who turns out to be a health guru, but it is not possible to eliminate the intake. What you can do is reduce the intake of the junk food. Try replacing these with healthier options like dry fruits, fruits or healthy snacks like baked ones instead of fried ones. Start slowly and gradually you would be able to control your intake of processed foods.
  • Have proper lunch: It might seem funny to be talking about having lunch here, but it is scary reality that many people skip lunch or have it late due to their busy schedules. Think how much your body curses you for not keeping it hungry. Ensure that you have proper and timely lunch.
  • Munchy evenings: Try having something to eat as evening snack, be it dry fruits, baked snacks, green tea, etc. This will bridge the gap between your lunch and dinner time and will keep your metabolism boosted. This is a trick which many of us either don’t know or miss.
  • Have a light dinner: Keep your dinner light. Make sure you don’t consume any junk or processed food for your dinner as your activity level is the lowest during this time.
  • Meditating before sleep: there are many people who complain of sleeplessness or sleep apnea- a condition where you sleep but still feel tired in the morning and have a feeling of incomplete sleep. This is also a lifestyle related issue. Glaring at the mobile or laptop screens while sleeping causes the tiredness post sleep. Make sure that you keep your cell phones away an hour prior to sleep and meditate for 5-10 minutes before going to bed so that you experience sound sleep.
These simple yet effective tips will bring about a huge change in your lives and will fill your mind with positivity. They can easily gel up with your busy life and minimum efforts are required in accomplishing them. So, you can set them as your new year resolutions and set on a mission to be healthy and fit.
Turacoz Healthcare Solutions is a medical communication company that provides medical writing services such as publication writing, clinical trial support, pharmacovigilance support, regulatory writing, etc. To know more about our services, write us at
Turacoz hopes that this new year will bring good health, happiness, fortune and wealth in your life and will help you achieve your goals and taste the success.
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year!

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